Just Call Me Internet
Just Call Me Internet.iso
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Text File
250 lines
VERSION: 0.00.01
STARTED: 15/02/93
o Original code created.
o Released developers copy via 90_NW_DEV
VERSION: 0.00.02
STARTED: 17/02/93
o Changed title bar starting with '------<' into '======<' since my mail
tosser was treating it as a tagline and moving it to the end of a reply.
o Request messages from a sysop will be ignored on their own system.
o No longer allows the use of '?' as a wildcard.. Only a minimum of
xxx*.* is now allowed. All ?'s will be removed making ST?.* into ST.*
o Released developers copy via 90_NW_DEV
VERSION: 0.00.03
STARTED: 18/02/93
o Again I changed the title bar as above with the intention of making it
stand out better by using '>~~~~~~', In most message editors this line
would be treated as a quote and therefore be highlighted in whatever
way the user has set in their editor! The same has also been done for
the AREA title if one is to be used..
o If no AREA title was given 2 blank lines were inserted instead. Fixed.
o Users can now choose whether they would like a description included in
any replies they may receive. This is done by adding 'NODESC' after the
filename search string (seperated by at least one space) on the subject
line, therefore a subj: line of 'FINDER*.* nodesc' will return the
filename only if found.
o Added new config command 'LOGFILE' to allow you to log File-Finders
activity to disk. You must follow the command with the full path &
filename to use. A binkley log format is used with FFDR being used to
identify File-Finders entries if added to universal log files.
o Added new config command 'MAXDESC' which is used to limit the number of
descriptions allowed in any one reply.
VERSION: 0.01á
STARTED: 20/02/93
o Fixed formatting of info header.
o The Sysop can now send a File-Finder request on their own system and
the reply will be given a 'SENT/LOCAL' status so that the mail
exporter will not export the reply, this has been tested with Jetmail
and seems to work. Let me know about other mailer systems please.
o Released as beta version 0.01á (21/02/93)
VERSION: 0.02á
STARTED: 21/02/93
o Brian Watters supplied the file structure for the TurboBoard 2 *.FIL
file so it has now been implemented. As I do not run TurboBoard I
would appreciate it if anyone could tell me how well it operates on
their live TurboBoard system. (Thanks Brian)
o Format of ACCESS command changed to accomodate the name for TurboBoard
FIL file names for each area. Please refer to the FILEFIND.DOC for a
complete description of the new format.
o Added command 'LOCK' which allows you to lock a named file from being
included in a File-Finder reply. You can define upto 100 locked files.
FILES.BBS and FILES.BAK file will all be automatically treated as
locked files.
o Checks are now made on all paths and filenames given in the config
file and if errors are found they will be reported to the screen and
logged to a file called ERROR.LOG which will be created in the current
work directory.
STARTED: 12/03/93
o Released via 90_NESTWARE file echo.
STARTED: 29/03/93
o Added ability to scan more than one message base. This allows you to use
file-Finder on different networks which offer a file finding facility,
for example N_ALLFIX on NeST and UK_FILEFIND on Fidonet.. This is done
by defining multiple MSGBASE commands in the config file. (Requested by
Steve Caple so blame him :-] )
o Now exits with errorlevel 1 if any replies have been written
STARTED: 10/04/93
o Fixed small bug in search routine when finding a TAB character in a
o Added ability to search for a description on a FOREM BBS system. Use the
FOREM keyword in config file. See FILEFIND.DOC for further details. This
does need testing so please let me know if it works (Especially John
Curtis who requested this feature <grin>)
o You can now abort File-Finder safely by holding down both shift keys.
'Safely' means when the program is aborted the present operation is
finsihed first, this should avoid the possibility of a half written
reply which would corrupt your message base..
o Much faster at initialising.
o Changed screen output slightly (What the heck, I was bored!) Let me know
if you prefered the old output.. The majority wins!!
o A description match can now be searched for instead of a file match.
This is done by using {desc:????????} on the subject line. There is a
minimum of 5 characters allowed in a request to avoid any excessive abuse
of the system. Spaces are compressed so a request for 'the__' will be
compressed to 'the' and will therefore be ignored..
o the NODESC (no description) request has been changed to {nodesc}.. This
will hopefully allow me to add further subject line options which will
all be enclosed in curly brackets as in the description search command.
o Released as v1.02 (The Description search and Forem support need a good
testing, especially the Forem support since I do not have a Forem setup
to test it on, please let me know how it goes..)
STARTED: 16/04/93
o How embarressing!! I cannot spell FOREM!! Steve Caple rang me the morning
after I released v1.02 informing me that the Forem package was NOT spelt
FORUM!!! Many apologies for this, I guess you can really tell I have
never used the package eh.. anyway, I have now changed all instances of
the word FORUM into FOREM, this includes the config file command for
activating Forem description searches..
o Added support for STKEEP and EXPRESS BBS packages. Refer to manual for
the syntax of the ACCESS command format.
STARTED: 22/04/93
o A reply sent out from Terry May's system seemed corrupted, this was
because there were some CR/LF codes within the file description which
broke up the display of the description text. Now all instances of these
codes are removed from a description before it is reformatted for
File-Finders use..
o Added support for WIZfile description files, please note the format
supported is PRE WIZfile v1.30 although v1.30 and above still support the
earlier format as an option. Support of the newer format will be added
if required, anyone interested, if so send me an example of the format
produced. See manual for details of the ACCESS command needed in
conjunction with the WIZFILE command.
o It seems my idea of where FoReM stores it's DIR files was wrong, I
thought they were kept in a named folder, but it seems they are kept in
the folder which holds the actual files for each download area. I have
now changed the code to look for a DIR file in the path given by each
ACCESS command.
o A message base will only be scanned if there are any new messages since
the last run, this should make it much quicker when running if it does
not really have anything to do..
o Released 23/04/93 as v1.04
STARTED: 01/06/93
o Added RATSoft file/description search ability. Due to the extensive
RATSoft system all you need to do to access this function is to use the
command 'RATSOFT' followed by the path to your main RATSoft folder and
that is it. There is no need to have any 'ACCESS' commands.
o If you use the 'RATSOFT' command you can set the maximum access level
for files and areas to be scanned by using the 'RATLEVEL' command
followed by the maximum level to be allowed, if not used the level will
default to 254.
o Fixed the user name parsing routine.. Before a name such as 'David J.
Thomas' (Hi David) was converted to 'David J. thomas', note the small t!
o All descriptions will have any CR's & LF's removed before it is
reformatted for the message reply..
o Added the commands 'FROMSYSOP' and 'FROMSYSTEM'. If used any replies
sent from your system will have the 'From: File-Finder' field changed to
either your name (FROMSYSOP) or your system name (FROMSYSTEM).
o If a folder name match any file search mask it would be treated as a
file with 0 byte size. This is now fixed.. I HOPE!
o Released 02/06/93 mainly to overcome the CR/LF problem experienced by
Terry May..
STARTED: 18/06/93
o Occassionally Filefinder would try to look for a file named '}', this
has now been fixed.
o Fixed missing CR/LF's in the tearline.
o FROMSYSTEM command now works correctly.
o Added support for the new WIZfile v1.30 description files. The config
file command to use is NEWWIZFILE followed by the path and filename of
the WIZfile list in the new format..
o Again I think I have fixed Terry Mays problem with his descriptions..
Please let me know Terry.
o RATSoft descriptions are now checked to see if the brief description is
a truncated version of the full description, if it is then only the full
description is used. The [BRIEF DESC] & [ FULL DESC] lines have also
been removed..
o Checks to see if a message is actually a quoted reply to a previous
request, this is simply done by checking whether the subject line is an
RE: line..
o New config command.. SCANALL.. This will force File-Finder to scan the
entire message base each time it has been run rather than scanning from
the last read message..
STARTED: 10/10/93
o Major new feature added. A user can now request a verbose archive listing
of one file from a specific system. So far ARC, ZOO, ZIP & LZH formats are
supported without the need for an external archiver. To do this they MUST
use the {ADR:} parameter in the message subject field and also the new
command of {LIST:xxx} where xxx is the name of the file to be listed, this
should be just a filename, no path is required. Wildcards (* & ?) are NOT
allowed and only one request is allowed per message, however, if more than
one file of the same name exists in your defined paths a listing foir each
of those files will be sent. The good news is.. You, the sysop do not have
to change any thing in your present setup apart from replacing the existing
FILEFIND.PRG.. enjoy..
NOTE** I would really appreciate it if anyone can supply me with the
file format of ARJ archives and also some better documentation for ZOO.
o Released 13/10/93
STARTED: 16/10/93
o Verbose archive listing now also supports ARJ. Many thanks to Steve
Basford for supplying the header information. Mind you, I still want
some ZOO header information, ZOO does work but it will sometimes not
recognise folders although the filename will always be found.
o Released 17/10/93